Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of our cooking school, La Scuola? We have a dedicated team of passionate chefs and event managers who help make the magic of our classes and events a reality. Get to know our Eataly NYC Flatiron Scuola staff below, then explore our upcoming classes and events.

La Scuola Chef
What do you do at La Scuola?
I work at La Scuola as a Chef. Together with my team, we plan, organize, and host events such as cooking classes and private dinners. I am personally responsible for menus, preparation, communication with guests, and control of quality.
How did you fall in love with Italian food?
I was born to a very traditional Italian family, and my mother transmitted her love of food preparation to me.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job here at La Scuola?
I love being able to cook regional Italian foods, that are capable of using local ingredients in the best manner, and that reflect the centuries-old traditions of each territory. For example, fresh pasta of Emilia Romagna, veggie-and-legume plates of Puglia, Piemontese Stews, and Friulian-Venetian fish. I like what is called cucina povera, or “poor cooking,” for its creativity in using affordable ingredients.