Rosemary Tele Crackers 5.3 oz


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$1,56/Oz 5.3 Oz
Price when purchased online

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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Figulì's products are hand made using all natural ingredients for the dough and go through a natural rising process. The Rosemary Tele crackers are made by hand using all natural ingredients for the dough and go through a natural rising process. They are left to rise over a period of 48 hours making them thick and crispy.
With a golden aroma that recalls freshly baked bread and perfectly crisp, flakey layers, these flavorful crackers are an ideal accompaniment to Eataly cheese and salumi and extra virgin olive oil.

$1,56/Oz 5.3 Oz
Price when purchased online

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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