100% Italian Grain Linguine 35.3 oz


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$0,44/Oz 35.3 Oz
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Linguine from Afeltra are made with 100% Italian Durum Wheat Semolina mixed with water from Gragnano. Afeltra only uses traditional bronze extruding machines, giving the artisanal pasta a rough texture with many pores which help to better absorb the pasta sauce when finishing the dish. Afeltra Linguine are also slowly dried at a low temperature for up to 48 hours which helps the protein structure in the pasta stay strong allowing for a better al dente texture!
Linguine pasta takes the name from lingue, meaning tongues in Italian. This pasta has a long tongue-shaped similar to a spaghetto but wider.
This shape is used throughout Italy and pairs well with Genovese Pesto or a Shellfish Sauces.

$0,44/Oz 35.3 Oz
Price when purchased online

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standard delivery

4-5 working days

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